Sustainable Building Design Revolving Loan Fund

Program Overview

Implementing Sector State
Category Financial Incentive
State Arkansas
Incentive Type Loan Program
Web Site
Administrator Department of Transformation & Shared Services, Division of Building Authority
Funding Source Initial funding came from an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grant to the Arkansas Energy Office of the Arkansas Economic Development Commission and additional contributions have since been made by the State of Arkansas
Budget $14,370,000
Start Date 01/08/2010
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies Solar Water Heat, Biomass, Geothermal Heat Pumps, Combined Heat & Power
Eligible Efficiency Technologies Water Heaters, Lighting, Furnaces, Air conditioners, Heat recovery, Steam-system upgrades, Energy Mgmt. Systems/Building Controls, Caulking/Weather-stripping, Duct/Air sealing, Building Insulation, Windows, Motor VFDs, Comprehensive Measures/Whole Building, Custom/Others pending approval
Applicable Sectors State Government
Maximum Loan 100% project financing based on available funds
Loan Term Term of repayment cannot exceed 10 years
Interest Rate 0%
All equipment must be new and commercially available. Systems must meet UL, IEEE, NEC, and SRCC standards where applicable.


The ABA Revolving Loan Fund is an interest free loan program adopted by the Arkansas General Assembly through Act 1372 of 2009.  The loan program provides a funding mechanism for state agencies, boards, and commissions, including institutions of higher learning who own their own facilities and for renovations which exceed $250,000. The ABA Revolving Loan Fund was funded by a grant from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) and contributions from the State of Arkansas (Governor’s General Improvement Funds).   Funds are available on a continuing bases. 

Recommended projects include:

  1. Building exterior weatherization, air sealing, or thermal efficiency
  2. Increase or improvement in building insulation
  3. Door, wind, or skylight replacement
  4. Lighting technology upgrades, or reduction of the number of fixtures
  5. Heating, ventilation, heat recovery, steam system and air conditioning (HVACR) replacements
  6. Improvements to energy control systems/sensors
  7. VFD motors and other energy efficiency projects
  8. Renewable energy technology limited to- Thermal (20 kW or smaller), Solar Hot Water (sized to the building), Ground Source Heat Pump (5.5 ton or smaller), Combined Heat and Power (sized to the building), and Biomass Thermal (3MMBTU or less with BACT installed)

Further information is available from the Arkansas Building Authority on the RLF procedures, application and agreement requirements. 

* A revolving loan program is one in which the loan repayments are added back into the fund. In this way, the loan program, in theory, may continue indefinitely.


Name Act 1372
Associated File Act1372.pdf
Date Enacted 03/06/2009


Maintenance Manager – Division of Building Au
501 Woodlane Ave, Ste 101
Little Rock, AR 72201
(501) 319-6565