PPL Electric Utilities – Business Incentive Program

Program Overview

Implementing Sector State
Category Financial Incentive
State Pennsylvania
Incentive Type Rebate Program
Web Site https://www.pplelectricbusinesssavings.com/ppl-business/incentives/overview/
Start Date 06/01/2022
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies Solar Photovoltaics, Combined Heat & Power
Applicable Sectors Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural
Incentive Amount $0.03/kWh of energy reduction
Maximum Incentive 50% of project cost, up to $500,000
Eligible System Size Not specified
Equipment Requirements

Solar projects must have a total resource cost ratio of 0.85

CHP project must have a total resource cost ratio of 0.70


PPL Electric Utilities is committed to promoting energy efficiency initiatives, including solar and Combined Heat and Power (CHP) projects, by offering enticing incentives to its customers.

A significant shift occurred in 2023 when the program underwent a redesign, opting to provide energy-based incentives equivalent to 3 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) saved. This innovative approach incentivizes not only the installation of energy-efficient systems but also the ongoing performance and savings generated by these systems over time.

To qualify for these incentives, participants must demonstrate tangible energy savings achieved through their solar or CHP projects. These savings are calculated based on annual performance metrics, considering factors such as production estimates and actual consumption data or reliable estimates. Before receiving full approval and access to incentives, the reported savings undergo thorough verification processes to ensure accuracy and integrity.

By transitioning to an energy-based incentive model and emphasizing annual performance metrics, PPL Electric Utilities aims to incentivize sustainable energy practices that yield tangible and lasting benefits for both customers and the environment. This approach encourages ongoing monitoring and optimization of energy efficiency measures, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation in the pursuit of a greener, more resilient energy future.