NV Energy – Energy Storage Incentive Program

Program Overview

Implementing Sector Utility
Category Financial Incentive
State Nevada
Incentive Type Rebate Program
Web Site https://www.nvenergy.com/cleanenergy/energy-storage
Administrator NV Energy
Utilities Nevada Power Co, Sierra Pacific Power Co
Eligible Storage Technologies Lithium-ion
Applicable Sectors Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Residential, Schools, State Government, Federal Government, Institutional
Incentive Amount

Residential Systems on TOU Rate: $0.19/Wh

Residential Systems on Non-TOU Rate: $0.095/Wh

Commercial Systems

Small Energy Storage Program - 4 kW to under 100 kW

Eligible for ITC: $0.32/Wh

Not eligible for ITC: $0.42/Wh

Standalone Small Energy Storage Program - 4 kW to under 100 kW

For Profit: $0.45/Wh

Non-profit / Government: $0.55/Wh

Large Energy Storage Program - 100 kW to 1,000 kW

Critical Infrastructure

Eligible for ITC: $0.50

Non-eligible for ITC: $0.60

Non-Critical Infrastructure

Eligible for ITC: $0.40

Non-eligible for ITC: $0.50

Maximum Incentive

Small Energy Storage Program - 4 kW to under 100 kW: 50 percent of the installed system cost, or $50,000 per premise

Standalone Small Energy Storage Program - 4 kW to under 100 kW: 50 percent of installed system cost, or $50,000 per premise

Large Energy Storage Program - 100 kW to 1,000 kW: 70 percent of the installed system cost, or For non-ITC qualified: $400,000 per premise for non-critical infrastructure projects and $500,000 per premise for critical infrastructure projects

Eligible System Size

Residential Systems: 4 kW - 100 kW capacity

Commercial Systems: 4 kW - 1,000 kW capacity

Equipment Requirements

Systems must be commercially available, UL listed and connected to a net metered system.

Equipment must be new and carry the following warranties: storage device - 10 years, inverter - 7 years, labor - 2 years.

Installation Requirements Installers must have an active C‐2 Nevada contractor’s license


NV Energy has launched an incentive program aimed at encouraging its customers to integrate energy storage systems with their existing or concurrently installed renewable energy setups, such as solar panels, at their residential or commercial properties. The primary condition for eligibility is that the customer must already have a renewable energy system in place or must be in the process of installing one at the same time as the energy storage system. This requirement emphasizes the program’s focus on enhancing the efficiency and utility of renewable energy sources by pairing them with energy storage solutions. It’s important to note that the program does not extend incentives to energy storage systems installed independently of renewable energy systems.

The incentive program is designed with a declining structure, meaning that the amount of rebate available to customers decreases over time as specific funding milestones are reached. This step-down approach is intended to encourage early adoption and ensure the distribution of funds across a broad base of applicants. As the allocated budget for the incentive program is consumed, the rebate amounts offered to new applicants are reduced. This mechanism helps to manage the program’s budget effectively while stimulating interest and participation in the early stages of the program.

For the most current information on available rebate amounts and specific details regarding the step-down schedule, customers are encouraged to visit NV Energy’s official website dedicated to the energy storage incentive program. This website serves as a resource for understanding the intricacies of the program, including eligibility criteria, application procedures, and any updates or changes to the incentive levels as they occur over time.


Energy Storage Incentive Program
NV Energy


(866) 786-3823