LADWP – Net Metering

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: Utility
Category: Regulatory Policy
State: California
Incentive Type: Net Metering
Web Site: Link to Net Metering Details
Utilities: Los Angeles Department of Water & Power
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies: Solar Photovoltaics
Applicable Sectors: Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Residential, Schools, State Government
Applicable Utilities: LADWP
System Capacity Limit: 1 MW
Aggregate Capacity Limit: No limit specified
Net Excess Generation: Credited to customer's next bill at retail rate.
Ownership of Renewable Energy Credits: Customer owns RECs
Meter Aggregation: Not Allowed


LADWP allows its customers to net meter their photovoltaic (PV), wind, and hybrid systems with a capacity of not more than one megawatt. LADWP will provide the necessary metering equipment unless an installation requires atypical metering equipment. In these cases the customer must cover the additional metering expenses. The customer must also pay any related interconnection fees.  

Excess kilowatt-hours (kWh) generated by the customer’s system will be credited toward their future bills.  Excess bill credits, however, may not be used to offset taxes, minimum charges, or other charges which are not based on energy.  If a bill credit still remains when the customer terminates service, the balance will be granted to the utility.


Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
111 N. Hope St
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(800) 342-5397