Green Building and Energy Reduction Standards for State Agencies

Program Overview

Implementing Sector State
Category Regulatory Policy
State Washington
Incentive Type Energy Standards for Public Buildings
Web Site
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies Solar - Passive, Solar Water Heat, Solar Space Heat, Solar Photovoltaics, Wind (All), Biomass, Geothermal Heat Pumps, Combined Heat & Power, Daylighting, Wind (Small), Hydroelectric (Small)
Eligible Efficiency Technologies Comprehensive Measures/Whole Building, Other EE
Applicable Sectors State Government
Green Building Requirement All new major facility project construction and renovation projects over 5,000 sq. ft., where the renovation costs exceed 50%, must be designed, constructed, and certified to at least the LEED Silver standard. Public K-12 school construction projects receiving state assistance must be built to the Washington Sustainable Schools Protocol (WSSP), or LEED for Building Design and Construction (Schools). Projects applying to the Housing Trust Fund (HTF) must be built to the Evergreen Sustainable Development Standard.




Following the enactment of Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5509 concerning High Performance Green Building, state facilities in Washington are now required to meet the US Green Building Council’s LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Silver standards. This legislation is now codified in RCW 39.35.D.

Major new construction and renovation projects exceeding 5,000 sq. ft., especially those with renovation expenses surpassing 50% (as detailed in RCW 39.94.020), are obliged to adhere to, and achieve certification for, the LEED Silver standard at a minimum.

The Department of Enterprise Services (DES) plays a pivotal role in creating protocols to guarantee the state’s success in this initiative. Collaborating with relevant public agencies, DES formulates and disseminates guidelines to manage this policy effectively. These guidelines aim to outline a systematic approach for ensuring activities are compliant and certifiable to the LEED Silver standard for significant facility projects.

Additionally, DES is tasked with updating the Governor and Legislature on the progress of this policy’s implementation. Public agencies are responsible for tracking and documenting the operational savings accrued from major facility projects that are designed, built, and certified accordingly.

Education Sector

State-funded public K-12 school construction projects must conform to either the Washington Sustainable Schools Protocol (WSSP) or the LEED for Building Design and Construction (Schools). The WSSP stipulates a 10% reduction in energy usage beyond the requirements of the Washington State Energy Code. The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction is in charge of enforcing these standards and providing necessary guidance to school districts. The GA will establish guidelines for state agencies in this regard.

Affordable Housing

The Department of Commerce has implemented the Evergreen Sustainable Development Standard, setting a baseline for sustainable performance for projects seeking assistance from the Housing Trust Fund (HTF).


Certain projects might be exempt based on specific conditions:

  1. Projects where it is determined by the concerned agency and design team that meeting the LEED Silver standard or adhering to the Washington sustainable school design protocol is impractical.
  2. Buildings like transmitter stations, pumping stations, hospitals, research facilities mainly for sponsored laboratory experimentation, research, training, or other similar types as designated by the department.

If achieving the LEED Silver standard is unfeasible, the relevant agency must evaluate the practicability of any LEED standard for the project. In cases where LEED standards or the Washington Sustainable School Design Protocol are not applied, the reasons must be reported to the department.

Annual Reporting of Energy and Water Usage

Public agency-owned buildings are mandated to report their energy and water consumption, renewable energy generation, and water capture annually to DES by June 1st each year, as required by RCW 39.35D through 2016. If there are issues in collecting actual electricity or heating energy data, a Metering and Measurement Report should also be submitted, including instances of prorated data.

This information is consolidated in the Biennial Green Building Report submitted to the legislature (until 2016).


Name RCW § 39.35D.010 et seq.
Effective Date 07/2005
Name RCW § 39.35.010 et seq.
Date Enacted 07/16/2015
Name HB 1095
Date Enacted 07/06/2015
Effective Date 10/09/2015


Washington Department of Enterprise Services


(360) 902-7272
Energy Program
P.O. Box 41476
Olympia, WA 98504
+1 (360) 407-2224
Energy Life Cycle Cost Analysis


(360) 407-2228
Evergreen Standard and Projects Manager


(360) 725-2995