Fuel Mix and Emissions Disclosure

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: State
Category: Regulatory Policy
State: Nevada
Incentive Type: Generation Disclosure
Applicable Sectors: Investor-Owned Utility, Municipal Utilities, Cooperative Utilities
Fuel Mix: Must be disclosed
Emissions: Must be disclosed
Distribution and Frequency: Distributed to customers at least twice annually
Standard Format Required: Yes


In 2001, Nevada took a pioneering step towards enhancing transparency and consumer awareness in the energy sector by enacting legislation that mandates the state’s electric utilities to disclose comprehensive details about the fuel mix and emissions associated with their electricity generation. This legislative move underscores Nevada’s commitment to environmental accountability and empowers consumers with the knowledge they need to make informed choices regarding their energy consumption.

The legislation specifies that utilities must present this information in a standard format, ensuring consistency and ease of understanding for all consumers. By requiring disclosures at least twice annually, the state ensures that consumers receive timely updates, reflecting any changes in energy sourcing or emission levels that may occur throughout the year. This initiative not only promotes greater transparency within the energy sector but also aligns with broader efforts to encourage cleaner energy practices by highlighting the environmental impacts of different energy sources.

Nevada’s requirement for utilities to disclose fuel mix and emissions data serves as a model for consumer empowerment in the energy market. It provides a clear framework for utilities to communicate vital information, helping to foster a more environmentally conscious and knowledgeable consumer base. As consumers become more aware of the environmental implications of their energy choices, this can drive demand for cleaner, renewable energy sources, thereby supporting the transition to a more sustainable energy future.



Name: NRS § 704.763
Date Enacted: 6/6/2001
Effective Date: 10/1/2001
Name: NAC 704.2783 et seq.
Effective Date: 1/22/2002


Public Utilities Commission of Nevada
9075 W. Diablo Drive, Suite 250
Las Vegas, NV 89148
(702) 486-7210


Public Utilities Commission of Nevada


(775) 684-6101