Distributed Generation Tariffs

Program Overview

Implementing Sector State
Category Regulatory Policy
State Hawaii
Incentive Type Net Metering
Web Site https://www.hawaiianelectric.com/products-and-services/customer-renewable-programs/rooftop-solar
Utilities Hawaii Electric Light Co Inc, Kauai Island Utility Cooperative, Maui Electric Co Ltd, Hawaiian Electric Co Inc
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies Solar Photovoltaics, Wind (All), Biomass, Hydroelectric, Wind (Small), Hydroelectric (Small)
Eligible Storage Technologies Lithium-ion
Applicable Sectors Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Residential, Schools, State Government, Federal Government
Applicable Utilities All utilities
System Capacity Limit 100 kW for HECO, MECO, HELCO customers; 50 kW for KIUC customers
Aggregate Capacity Limit Separate limits exist for each island and each of the two tariffs
Net Excess Generation Credited to customer's next bill at a specified rate, which varies by utility and tariff
Ownership of Renewable Energy Credits Not addressed
Meter Aggregation Community-Based Renewable Energy authorized


Note: The Hawaii Public Utilities Commission (PUC) is considering new permanent distributed generation tariff options in Docket No. 2019-0323. The summary below describes the interim tariff options currently available.  

Customer Grid Supply Plus

The CGS Plus Tariff is available on a first-come, first-served basis to residential and “small commercial” customers (including government entities) that generate electricity using solar, wind, biomass or hydro-electric systems until the aggregate capacity limit for the specific region/utility has been met. Third-party owned and operated systems are eligible to participate in the tariff.

Customers will receive a monthly bill credit for energy delivered to the grid based on a credit rate that varies by island. Additionally, participating systems must include equipment that allows the utility to remotely control the output of the system, and curtail it as needed to ensure grid stability. 

Smart Export

The Smart Export tariff is for renewable energy systems that are coupled with energy storage. Customers are expected to use excess generation to charge the battery system during daylight hours and to discharge the stored electricity in the evening. Electricity exported to the grid in the evening, overnight, and early morning hours will receive a bill credit based on an island-specific rate. 

Community-Based Renewable Energy

SB 1050 of 2015 allows a person or entity to own or operate an eligible community-based renewable energy project. Following a lengthy proceeding, the Public Utilities Commission approved the utilities’ tariffs in 2018. Through the program, customers will contract directly with project owners, and these subscribers will receive credit on their monthly bill based on their proportionate share of the electricity produced by the system. The exact credit rate the customer receives varies by island. 



Name HRS § 269-101 et seq.
Date Enacted 6/25/2001 (subsequently amended)
Name HI PUC Order, Docket 2014-0192
Date Enacted 1/13/2011


Hawaii Public Utilities Commission
465 South King Street, Room 103
Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 586-2020