City of Tallahassee Utilities – Efficiency Loans

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: Utility
Category: Financial Incentive
State: Florida
Incentive Type: Loan Program
Web Site:
Administrator: City of Tallahassee Utilities
Utilities: City of Tallahassee
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies: Solar Photovoltaics
Eligible Efficiency Technologies: Refrigerators/Freezers, Water Heaters, Lighting, Furnaces, Heat pumps, Air conditioners, Building Insulation, Windows, Doors, Roofs, Reflective Roofs
Applicable Sectors: Commercial, Residential
Maximum Loan: $10,000
$20,000 (for solar, with restrictions)
Loan Term: General: up to 5 years
Solar/Other: up to 10 years
Interest Rate: 5%


The City of Tallahassee Utilities offers loans with an interest rate of 5% for more than 25 different energy-saving measures. Under this program, residential and commercial customers may borrow up to $10,000 for varying energy efficiency measures. For Solar Photovoltaics or ENERGY STAR roofing, the maximum loan amount is $20,000 so long as no other loan measures are bundled with these. For detailed information contact the utility. 



City of Tallahassee Utilities
300 South Adams St. B32
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(850) 891-4968