City of Oakland – Solar Access Ordinance

Program Overview

Implementing Sector Local
Category Regulatory Policy
State California
Incentive Type Solar/Wind Access Policy
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies Solar - Passive, Solar Water Heat, Solar Space Heat, Solar Photovoltaics
Applicable Sectors Commercial, Industrial, Residential, Multifamily Residential


Current Municipal codes provide some solar access protections to adjacent properties. Mostly in relation to new development proposals.

17.65.080.A.3.B – Maximum Floor Area Ratio

Regards the maximum floor area ratio regulation for the city of Oakland. It specifies the conditions for a conditional use permit for an FAR or up to 3.0 in the HBX-3 and HBX-4 zones. Including that “the additional Floor Area Ratio does not significantly decrease the solar access of existing adjacent single family homes or duplexes to a degree greater than would be created if the facility were built according to the base FAR.”

17.134.050.F.1 – General Use Permit Criteria

The following are included as part of a requirement for development proposals to qualify for the conditional use permit if they are a one- or two-family residential facility. The proposal most not adversely impact immediate residences to the side, rear or directly across with respect to solar access, view blockage… etc.

Note: There is an alternative to this stipulation that can exempt projects from needing to meet this solar access impact requirement. 


Name City Of Oakland Municipal Codes 17.65.080
Name City Oakland Municipal Codes 17.134.050.F.1


City of Oakland
250 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza Suite 2114
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 238-3891