Fuel Mix and Emissions Disclosure

Program Overview

Implementing Sector State
Category Regulatory Policy
State Oregon
Incentive Type Generation Disclosure
Web Site https://www.oregon.gov/energy/energy-oregon/pages/electricity-mix-in-oregon.aspx
Applicable Sectors Investor-Owned Utility, Municipal Utilities, Cooperative Utilities
Fuel Mix Must be included
Emissions Must be included
Distribution and Frequency Distributed to residential customers at least once annually and to non-residential customers on or with bills
Standard Format Required Yes


Oregon’s electric utility restructuring legislation, enacted in 1999, brought about a significant change in how electricity companies and electric service suppliers communicate with their customers. This law mandates these entities to disclose specific information about the fuel mix and emissions associated with their electricity generation. The goal is to increase transparency and allow consumers to make more informed decisions regarding their electricity provider based on environmental considerations.

The legislation requires that the information provided include the types of fuels used to generate electricity, such as coal, natural gas, nuclear, hydroelectric, wind, solar, and others, along with the associated emissions from electricity generation. These emissions data typically include carbon dioxide (CO2), which is a primary greenhouse gas, and may also cover other pollutants like sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter.

To ensure that all consumers receive this crucial information, electricity companies and electric service suppliers are required to disseminate the fuel mix and emissions data in a standard format. For residential customers, this information must be provided at least once quarterly, ensuring regular updates on how their electricity is generated and its environmental impact. Non-residential customers receive this information on or with their bills, providing businesses and other entities with consistent access to data that might influence their energy choices.

Moreover, the requirement extends to most marketing materials distributed by electricity companies and electric service suppliers. This inclusion ensures that prospective customers are aware of the environmental implications of their potential electricity source before making a decision, promoting a more environmentally conscious approach to choosing energy providers.

This legislative requirement exemplifies Oregon’s commitment to environmental stewardship and transparency in the energy sector. By mandating the disclosure of fuel mix and emissions data, Oregon empowers its citizens with the knowledge to support electricity generation that aligns with their environmental values, potentially influencing a shift towards cleaner energy sources.


Name: OR AR 860-038-0300
Effective Date: 9/29/2000
Name: ORS ยง 757.649
Date Enacted: 7/23/1999


Oregon Public Utility Commission
PO Box 2148
Salem, OR 97308-2148
(503) 378-4040