Solar Contractor Licensing

Program Overview

Implementing Sector State
Category Regulatory Policy
State Hawaii
Incentive Type Solar/Wind Contractor Licensing
Web Site
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies Solar Water Heat, Solar Space Heat, Solar Thermal Process Heat, Solar Photovoltaics
Applicable Sectors Installers/Contractors


Hawaii offers several specialty licenses for solar contractors through Hawaii’s Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. The following specialty licenses are available: Solar Power Systems Contractor (C-60); Solar Energy Systems Contractor (C-61); Solar Hot Water Systems Contractor (C-61a); and Solar Heating and Cooling Systems Contractor (C-61b). These licenses require business and trade exams plus four years of experience. An Electrical Contractor (C-13) license is required to install photovoltaic systems other than low voltage DC wiring and it includes the work of the C-60 solar power systems contractor. Plumbing contractors (C-37) are also allowed to install solar hot water heating systems.

Note that a Solar Contractor’s license alone does not permit a contractor to install a complete solar energy system and may require that he or she subcontract with Electrical and/or Plumbing Contractors. General engineering contractors (“A” classification) automatically hold the Solar Energy Systems Contractor (C-61) specialty license without having to take a further exam or pay additional fees. For Photovoltaic (PV) systems other than low voltage DC wiring, a licensed electrician must certify that the system and its connections have been properly installed. Solar Water Heating (SWH) systems require the certification of a licensed plumber and, if the system is connected to a back-up energy supply, a licensed electrician. Electrical and Plumbing Contractors may conversely subcontract with Solar Contractors to install components of PV and SWH systems.



Name HAR §16-77-32 et seq.
Name HRS §444-7
Date Enacted 1959, subsequently amended


Public Information – HDCCA
Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Af
Kamamalu Building, 1010 Richards Street
Honolulu, HI 96801
(808) 586-3000