Low-Moderate Income Solar Renewable Energy Grant

Program Overview

Implementing Sector State
Category Financial Incentive
State New Hampshire
Incentive Type Grant Program
Web Site https://www.energy.nh.gov/renewable-energy/renewable-energy-rebates/low-moderate-income-solar-grant-program
Administrator New Hampshire Department of Energy
Funding Source RPS alternative compliance payments
Budget Varies
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies Solar Photovoltaics
Applicable Sectors Low Income Residential
Incentive Amount Varies
Maximum Incentive Varies
Installation Requirements Must be physically located in New Hampshire and completed within two years of the award


Note: The deadline for the most recent round of funding under this program was January 23, 2023. This summary is provided for reference only. Contact the NH DOE about the possibility of future funding rounds under this program.

The New Hampshire Department of Energy (DOE) offers grant funding for low-moderate-income community solar projects in manufactured housing communities or multifamily rental housing. The grant program is allocated at least 15% of the annual renewable energy fund (per S.B. 129).

Eligible projects are those defined as “ground-mounted or rooftop solar arrays that directly benefit a group of at least [five] residential end-user customers,” and have at least a majority of residential customers “at or below 300 percent federal poverty guidelines,” according to RSA 362-F:10.


*In 2021, the New Hampshire DOE was given the administration and implementation authority over RPS policy and the renewable energy fund (per H.B. 2)


Name New Hampshire Statutes § 362-F:10
Name NH PUC Rule 2500



21 South Fruit Street, Suite 10
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-3670