Baltimore County – Property Tax Credit for Solar and Geothermal Devices

Program Overview

Implementing Sector Local
Category Financial Incentive
State Maryland
Incentive Type Property Tax Incentive
Administrator Baltimore County Office of Budget and Finance
Counties Baltimore County
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies Solar Water Heat, Solar Space Heat, Solar Photovoltaics, Geothermal Heat Pumps, Geothermal Direct-Use
Applicable Sectors Residential, Multifamily Residential
Incentive Amount 50% of eligible costs
Maximum Incentive
  • Heating System: $5,000
  • Hot Water Supply System: $1,500
  • Electricity Generation: $5,000
  • Cooling: $5,000
Equipment Requirements Systems must meet national safety and performance standards set by a nationally recognized testing laboratory for that type of device


The state of Maryland permits local governments (Md Code: Property Tax § 9-203) to offer property tax credits for energy conservation devices if they choose to do so. In November 2010 Baltimore County enacted legislation offering property tax credits for solar and geothermal energy conservation devices installed in residential buildings. Eligible solar devices include that those heat or cool a structure, generate electricity for use in a structure, or provide hot water for use in a structure. Eligible geothermal devices may be used to heat or cool a structure or provide hot water for use in a structure.

The amount of the property tax credit is set at the lesser of 50% of the cost of the system or $5,000 for heating devices and $1,500 for devices which supply hot water. The authorizing legislation does not specify the maximum credit for devices which generate electricity (i.e., photovoltaic systems) or which provide energy for cooling needs. The credit claimed during any year may not exceed the amount of county property taxes owed during that year, and excess credits may be carried forward for up to 2 additional years. Costs must have been incurred during the 12 months prior to the initial application for the credit. The total volume of credits granted during any fiscal year may not exceed $750,000. If successful applications exceed this aggregate limit during a given fiscal year, they will be granted during the next fiscal year or years in the order received. Applications must be filed on or before June 1 of the year immediately preceding the first taxable year for which the property tax credit is sought. 


Name Baltimore County Code § 11-2-203.3
Date Enacted 11/19/2010



400 Washington Ave, Room 150
Towson, MD 21204-4665
(410) 887-2404