Energy Loan Fund

Program Overview

Implementing Sector State
Category Financial Incentive
State Ohio
Incentive Type Loan Program
Web Site
Administrator Ohio Development Services Agency
Funding Source DOE State Energy Program (Federal Funding) and Advanced Energy Fund (State Funding)
Budget FY 2023: $8 million
Start Date 12/15/2011
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies Solar Thermal Electric, Solar Photovoltaics, Wind (All), Biomass, Combined Heat & Power, Landfill Gas, Microturbines
Eligible Efficiency Technologies Lighting, Chillers, Boilers, Combined Heat & Power, Heat recovery, Energy Mgmt. Systems/Building Controls, Duct/Air sealing, Building Insulation, Windows, Doors, Other EE, LED Lighting, HVAC
Eligible Storage Technologies Lithium-ion
Applicable Sectors Commercial, Construction, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Schools, State Government, Institutional
Maximum Loan $250,000 - $2 million
Loan Term Maximum 15 years


Note: Loan applications for fiscal year 2023 will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.


The Energy Loan Fund provides low-cost financing for energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements to Ohio-based businesses with less than 500 employees, manufacturers enrolled in the Energy Efficiency Program for Manufacturers, nonprofits, and public entities. For further information regarding eligibility, please view the Program Guidelines.


Loans can range between $250,000 and $2 million depending on the project. Funding is provided through the Ohio Advanced Energy Fund and the Federal State Energy Program.

The applications must demonstrate a minimum 15% reduction in energy use as a result of the project. Other evaluation criteria include the application’s completeness, whether the application meets the requirements of applicable state and/or federal funding sources, the type of eligible technologies utilized and the extent of energy savings achieved as a result of the project, extent of job creation and improvement in environmental quality as a result of the project, extent of match investment in the project, the project readiness and timeline to complete the project by deadline of certain funding sources, applicant’s need for financial assistance to complete the project, and the advancement of the mission of the Office of Energy.

See the website above for complete details and information on where to submit a pre-application.


Department of Development
77 South High Street, 29th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 466-6797