Washington Community Solar Program

Program Overview

Implementing Sector State
Category Regulatory Policy
State Washington
Incentive Type Community Solar Rules
Web Site https://www.solarwa.org/community_solar
Administrator Washington State University Energy Program
Funding Source The Washington State University Extension Energy Program
Budget $100,000,000
Start Date 07/01/2022
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies Solar Photovoltaics
Eligible Storage Technologies Lithium-ion
Applicable Sectors Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Residential, Schools, State Government, Federal Government, Tribal Government, Agricultural, Multifamily Residential, Low Income Residential, Institutional
Applicable Utilities Washington Electric Utilities
System Capacity Limit 199 kW
Program Capacity Limit N/A
Participant Credit Rate N/A
Low-Moderate Income Provisions Yes, see HB 1814 - 2021-22


Starting from July 1st, 2017, Washington State, through its Revised Code of Washington Title 82, Chapter 82.16.170 (RCW 82.16.170), authorized community solar project administrators to organize and manage such projects. Key requirements for these projects include a cap on direct current (DC) nameplate capacity at 1 megawatt (MW) and a minimum participation of either 10 people or 1 person per 10 kW DC nameplate capacity, whichever is higher. Projects larger than 500 kW need to adhere to a standard interconnection agreement. All members of a community solar project must be utility customers at the project’s location. Further details on organization and administration are specified in the mentioned RCW chapter.

RCW 82.16.165 lays out incentives for community solar projects, administered through the Washington State University Extension Energy Program (WSUEEP). However, this program ceased accepting new project certifications in July 2021.

In March 2022, the Washington legislature passed HB 1814 – 2021-22, initiating a new incentive program for community solar projects. This program is designed to benefit low-income subscribers, low-income service provider subscribers, and subscribers from tribal and public agencies. Systems eligible under this program must have a DC nameplate capacity ranging from 12 kW to 199 kW and include at least two low-income subscribers or one low-income service provider. The program has a budget of $100 million, allocated over a decade, with $2 million dedicated to supporting innovative nonprofit approaches to benefit subscribers and another $2 million earmarked for tribal governments. This program allows for project precertification until June 30, 2033.


Name RCW 82.16.183
Expiration Date 06/30/2035


Energy Program


Washington State University


905 Plum Street SE, Box 43165
Olympia, WA 98504


(360) 956-2000