Mississippi Power Low-to-Moderate Income Residential Incentive Program

Program Overview

Implementing Sector Utility
Category Financial Incentive
State Mississippi
Incentive Type Rebate Program
Web Site Mississippi Power Rebate Program
Administrator Mississippi Power
Start Date 03/16/2023
Expiration Date 01/01/2028
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies Geothermal Electric, Solar Photovoltaics, Wind (All), Biomass, Hydroelectric, Hydrogen, Tidal, Wave, Wind (Small)
Eligible Storage Technologies Lithium-ion
Applicable Sectors Low Income Residential
Incentive Amount
  • Renewable Distributed Generation Facility: $3,000
  • Battery Storage: $2,000
Eligible System Size Renewable Distributed Generation Facility: At least 4 kW-DC
Equipment Requirements Battery Storage: UL 1741-certified


Mississippi Power offers low-to-moderate income residential customers a one-time $3,000 cash incentive on a first-come, first-served basis when installing a renewable distributed generation facility with a capacity of at least 4 kW-DC (and one that does not generate more than 110% of the customer’s year annual peak demand). The utility also offers such customers a one-time $2,000 cash incentive on a first-come, first-served basis when installing a UL 1741-certified battery storage system. Customers are only allowed to choose one of the two incentives, and no incentive will be available beyond 2027.





PO Box 4079
Gulfport, MS 39502
+1 (800) 532-1502