LADWP – Non-Residential Energy Efficiency Incentive Program

Program Overview

Implementing Sector Utility
Category Financial Incentive
State California
Incentive Type Rebate Program
Web Site LADWP Rebates and Programs
Administrator Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Funding Source Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Utilities Los Angeles Department of Water & Power
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies Solar Photovoltaics
Eligible Efficiency Technologies Lighting, Lighting Controls/Sensors, Chillers, Air conditioners, Energy Mgmt. Systems/Building Controls, Duct/Air sealing, Comprehensive Measures/Whole Building, Custom/Others pending approval, Other EE, Food Service Equipment, Vending Machine Controls, Commercial Cooking Equipment, LED Lighting, Commercial Refrigeration Equipment
Applicable Sectors Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit
Incentive Amount
  • Technical Assistance Program: $2.50/1,000 gallons water saved
  • Water Conservation Rebate Program: Varies by product, see site for details
  • Save on Lighting Program: $0.08 - $0.24/kWh
  • Savings in Action Program: Varies by program, see site for details
  • Customer Performance Program: $0.08 - $0.30/kWh and up to $750/kW
Maximum Incentive
  • Technical Assistance Program: $2,000,000
  • Water Conservation Rebate Program: Varies
  • Savings in Action Program: Varies by program
  • Customer Performance Program: 75% of project cost, 100% for lighting.
Equipment Requirements See program web site for full requirements.


Los Angeles Department of Water and Power offers prescriptive and custom incentives to non-residential customers for the installation of energy saving measures, equipment, or systems through a variety of programs, including:

  1. Technical Assistance Program (TAP)
  2. Water Conservation Rebate Program (WCRP)
  3. Save on Lighting Program (SOLP)
  4. Savings in Action (SIA)
  5. Customer Performance Program (CPP)


Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
111 N. Hope St
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 367-3436